FCC Construcción Portugal receives the 2024 Certified Company seal for its Well-being and Happiness Index


FCC Construcción Portugal receives the 2024 Certified Company seal for its Well-being and Happiness Index

FCC Construcción Portugal receives the 2024 Certified Company seal for its Well-being and Happiness Index

FCC Construcción Portugal has been awarded the 2024 Certified Company seal for its organisational well-being and happiness indicators.

The joint organisation of KEEPTALENT Portugal and ACADEMIA DA FELICIDADE certified, for the first year, a group of companies from different areas, based on their indicators of employee satisfaction and psychosocial risks, in a survey carried out by an independent entity, based on an international methodology. According to the organisation, ‘the awarded companies are a benchmark for their commitment to finding out where they are and where they need to go in promoting healthier and happier working environments’.

The Well-being Index (WBI) is an indicator measured at international level. In 2008, the European Council recognised that the response to the crisis should include policies that protect the most affected and most vulnerable in society, recommending the production of statistical indicators that would concisely integrate social and environmental achievements and losses, and so the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress report was drawn up , a reference document for the development of new statistical indicators assessing the well-being and quality of life of individuals and families. It is in this international context that various statistical institutes have been developing initiatives to produce a battery of indicators on well-being and quality of life.

The objective of the Well-being Index is to provide results on a regular basis that make it possible to monitor the evolution of well-being and social progress in two key areas - the material living conditions of families and the quality of life, by analysing three and seven domains, respectively: a) economic well-being; economic vulnerability; work and remuneration; b) health; life-work balance; education, knowledge and skills; social relations and subjective well-being; civic participation and governance; personal security; and the environment.

With this certification, FCC Construccion Portugal has seen its sustainability policies recognised, with a focus on improving productivity and results, reducing turnover, creating a culture of happiness and customer satisfaction.

This success is not only the result of the human resources policies implemented, but also a reflection of the tireless effort and exemplary dedication of each and every one of our people.