We are talent
We are a company in continuous international expansion, with a presence in 25 countries. Diversity and internationalization are key points, therefore and to contribute to a solid relationship between company and employee, we value the generation of commitment, adaptation to change and motivation.
Our Vision...
Develop efficient management in attracting and retaining talent within a context of diversity and internationalization to contribute to the achievement of objectives, based on the needs of the organization.
Our Mission...
To be the leading national and international benchmark company in infrastructure and construction, adding value to the company and ensuring proper management of human potential in the organization.
Our Objectives...
- Retain and attract professionals who are trained and committed to the mission and vision of FCC Construcción.
- Integrate people into the organization to be linked to the business strategy, with the aim of mobilizing skills and talent towards the achievement of objectives.
- Encourage internal mobility while maintaining organizational flexibility, enabling professional and versatile profiles, as well as offering development opportunities to employees.
We promote the growth of our professionals to enhance the talent that makes FCC Construcción a benchmark company in competitive and globalized environments.
In addition, within the commitment to quality employment, we have implemented our Young Talent Internationalization Program.
We work with our Scholarship Program in which we promote immersion in the world of work, facilitating the transition between educational entities and the labor market.
We have signed Agreements with Universities and Business Schools at a global level.
We are committed to diversity, which is why we have our Development Program aimed at pre-managerial women, with high potential to increase the presence of women in managerial positions and on steering committees.
We renew our Agreement with the ONCE Foundation (FSC Inserta), reinforcing the company's comprehensive commitment to disability and diversity. Access www.enpositivofcc.com
We train to continue growing
Training in the construction area of the FCC Group is a tool to make the company grow, and the employees with it.
The construction area of the FCC Group invests in the training of its workers in order to continually favor a better performance of their functions and to promote new development opportunities for employees throughout their careers.