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DigiChecks 'platform' validated on A465 motorway extension project (Wales)


DigiChecks 'platform' validated on A465 motorway extension project (Wales)

  • The DigiChecks project has validated its platform on the A465 dual carriageway extension project - Sections 5 and 6 from Dowlais Top to Hirwaun in Wales, managing environmental permits for animals such as great crested newts and bats.
  • The DigiChecks platform leverages advanced digital technologies, such as BIM, GIS and Blockchain, to streamline construction permit management and compliance development among multiple stakeholders, improving interoperability within the construction industry.
  • The next phase of the DigiChecks project will consist of validation in residential and office buildings in Spain and Austria, allowing the platform to be tested in different regulatory environments and demonstrating its potential to revolutionise building permit management in Europe.
La ‘plataforma’ DigiChecks es validada en el proyecto de ampliación de la autovía A465 (Gales)

DigiChecks, an innovative European project funded by the Horizon Europe programme, has successfully validated its platform in its Pilot 1, led by FCC Construction, marking a significant milestone in the development of a new digital framework for construction permit management and compliance  development. Pilot 1 of the project was developed as part of the A465 - Section 5-6 dual carriageway extension project from Dowlais Top to Hirwaun in South Wales (UK), a major civil engineering project to dual a 17.7 km section of the A465 road.

A key member of the project, Juan Ramón Mena, Digital Lead & BIM Manager at FCC Construcción and Coordinator of the pilot projects in the DigiChecks project, led the execution of Pilot 1, successfully validating the DigiChecks developments.

The DigiChecks project is designed to streamline the often complex and fragmented processes faced by the construction sector when dealing with permits and compliance checks. Through the creation of an innovative digital platform, the initiative aims to reach architects, engineers, public authorities and construction companies.

The pilot project, carried out as part of the A465 construction project, included extensive testing of the DigiChecks framework across multiple construction and environmental processes. The system was used to manage and validate permits related to design, construction, health and safety, as well as for certain specials such as great crested newts and bats. The tests demonstrated the platform's effectiveness in coordinating permit management between stakeholders, which was critical to the success of the project.

A European partnership initiative

DigiChecks brings together 13 leading organisations from five European countries, covering sectors such as construction, research, standardisation, digitisation and ancillary services. The partners include leading organisations such as FCC Construcción, leading the consortium, Realia Inmobiliaria, Fundación Tekniker, IDP Ingeniería, Medio ambiente y Arquitectura, Ibermática - Ayesa, Building Digital Twin Association, Neanex, Semmtech, Digital Construction, Bureau Veritas Group, CREE BUILDINGS, Universiteit Gent and PKF Attest innCome.

This collaborative effort focuses on creating a digital framework that enhances interoperability and communication between platforms in the construction sector. DigiChecks builds on cutting-edge technologies such as BIM (Building Information Modelling), GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and Blockchain, while drawing on lessons learned from previous international initiatives.

El consorcio DigiChecks en su 2ª Asamblea General del proyecto
DigiChecks consortium at its 2nd General Assembly of the project

Facing a crucial challenge for the industry

The management of building permits and the development of regulatory compliance is a complex process involving numerous stakeholders from across the construction value chain. From architects and engineers to public authorities and construction companies, these actors must navigate a maze of regulations and standards that vary not only from country to country, but also from region to region, and sometimes even between municipalities.

One of the main challenges identified by DigiChecks is the lack of a common language for communications and interoperability between these various actors. DigiChecks is working to standardise the permit ontology and digitise the permitting process, focusing on flexibility, ease of use and efficiency. The solution will be delivered through an open API that integrates three core principles: standardisation of permits, digitisation of processes based on user needs and implementation of compliance based on project information models (PIMs).

Summary of Pilot 1: A465 dual carriageway widening project

The A465 project presented a number of technical, environmental and engineering challenges, making it the perfect scenario for testing the DigiChecks platform. Throughout the pilot project, the platform was used for key pre-, during and postconstruction processes such as permitting, public infrastructure management, waste management and final project validation. The platform also incorporated advanced digital tools such as LiDAR for surveying and GIS for environmental assessments, ensuring agile and efficient communication between all parties involved.

The results of this pilot project have been positive, confirming the platform's ability to work in real-life situations and its potential to improve interoperability in the construction sector.

El primer ministro galés visita el piloto DigiChecks
Welsh Prime Minister visits DigiChecks pilot

Looking ahead

The successful completion of the first pilot project marks an important milestone in the DigiChecks project. In the coming months, the ecosystem formed by DigiChecks will be further validated through additional pilot scenarios in Spain and Austria, each of different size and complexity, allowing all stakeholders to thoroughly assess its effectiveness in managing construction permits and regulatory compliance in different contexts.

As the project progresses, DigiChecks aims to revolutionise the way the construction industry manages permitting and compliance processes, setting a new standard for digitisation and interoperability in the sector.

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