FCC Construcción, the world's first construction company to join the United Nations “Sustainable Finance” group of Global Compact
FCC Construcción, the world's first construction company to join the United Nations “Sustainable Finance” group of Global Compact

FCC Construcción has been the first construction company in the world to join the “Sustainable Finance” group of United Nations of Global Compact. In the SDG Investemnt Forum organized by United Nations in the Milan Stock Exchange, the main CFOs of the companies associated to the United Nations group participated: Enel, Iberdola, Eni, Tesco, FCC Construcción among others.
In the SDG Investment Forum, participated among others the CEO of UN Global Compact, CIO PIMCO, CFO Axa, CEO PRI, President of Sustainable Finance, among other personalities. On the part of FCC Construcción, its CFO, Maria Carrasco, participated along with the Enel CFO and ENI. All of them were at the round table entitled “CFO´s role: enabling the SDG transition”. During her speech, Maria Carrasco explained how FCC Construcción uses a sustainable financing system with the objective of supporting economic, social and environmental growth through infrastructure development. He explained how GHG emissions are reduced, projects minimize waste and improve the use of natural resources, increasing social awareness in parallel. The framework on which sustainable financing is developed is fundamental in the transparency of the process, with collaborative governance.
He presented the different actions that the company has developed through the projects. The integration of social, environmental and economic actions in a single project. In FCC Construcción, the "Proposal for a regulation of the EU Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment", "Action plan to finance sustainable growth", the final report has been integrated into the corporate strategy from the EU high-level expert group on sustainable finance, Financing a sustainable European economy.
FCC Construcción has created a sustainable ecosystem in all its aspects for the development of infrastructure projects.