FCC Group's construction area increases revenue by 50.2% during the first nine months of 2023

The FCC Group's construction area increases revenue by 50.2%, reaching 2,047 million euros, during the first nine months of 2023. The growth in revenue is due to the start of new awarded projects, especially in the area international, together with the good pace of progress of the set of activities and projects that remain in development in all the main geographical areas where the construction area of the FCC Group operates.
By geographical area, in Spain the turnover increased by 31.5%, up to 818.4 million euros, with a good pace of progress in all projects in progress as well as new ones started, mostly in the public sphere.
In America, turnover grew to 634.8 million euros, 116.8%, supported by the greater contribution of Mayan Train project in Mexico and the beginning of railway works in Toronto (Canada) and in the USA. Also The sustained progress of works such as the Lima Metro (Peru) and other projects in Colombia and Chile contribute. In Europe, the turnover grew by 40.9% compared to the previous year, with 473.4 million euros, mainly due to the progress of the A-465 in the United Kingdom and the A-9 Motorway in the Netherlands, which compensate the completion of projects such as the Haren prison center in Belgium. In the Middle East and Australia, revenue increased by 8.1% to 120.4 million euros, due to a greater contribution from works in Saudi Arabia, as well as the positive contribution of the new bridge design contract in Melbourne (Australia).
The gross operating result reflected the increase in revenues reaching 122.9 million euros, with a increase of 42.1% compared to the same period in 2022. The operating margin remains stable during this year, standing at 6.0%, a level similar to that reached in the first nine months of 2022.
For its part, the income portfolio at the end of September was 6,232.2 million euros, 5.4% lower than the end of 2022. The international level concentrated a reduction of 18.6%, after the strong accumulated increase in hiring from the previous year. For its part, in Spain a sustained recovery is maintained, with 29.4% of increase explained mainly by the awarding of new works, among which the construction of the new ONCE headquarters, or the award to FCC Industrial of the construction of solar installations in Guillena, Seville.
Milestones achieved during the first nine months of 2023
- FCC Industrial, an industrial subsidiary in the construction area, has obtained the contract for TotalEnergies to build several photovoltaic parks in Guillena (Spain), with a total capacity of 263 MW and an investment of more than 200 million euros. Furthermore, FCC Industrial has obtained, in consortium with other companies, the provisional award of the contract for the construction of a regasification plant in Germany for Hanseatic Energy Hub (HAH), with an attributable revenue portfolio of more than 270 millions of euros. This project will emerge as the second liquefied natural gas regasification plant in Germany. The new emissions-free storage and regasification terminal will be located in the Stade river port.
- In Spain FCC Construcción has provisionally obtained the works for the burying the R2 (Cercanías) line in Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) and the construction of a new station in this municipality for 540.4 million euros. On the other hand, among other contracts, it is also will be in charge of building the new headquarters of the ONCE group, which will be located north of Madrid and whose Execution budget amounts to 100.6 million euros, with a delivery period of 30 months. Likewise, the award of the construction of 64 homes in Tres Cantos (Madrid) for a combined amount of 18 million euros, as well as remodeling works and road access improvements to the Metropolitan stadium in Madrid for 20.3 million euros.
- In the field of sustainability, last June FCC Construction presented its fight strategy against climate change 2023-2026, which incorporates three strategic lines with actions and objectives quantifiable measures of their mitigation and adaptation: the first strategic line establishes the actions to achieve a 35% reduction in GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) in 2030 and neutrality in 2050. The second strategic line seeks to improve construction processes to offer more resilient infrastructure to climate change. Finally, the third line, Governance, aims to improve the decision-making process. decisions by continuously monitoring new climate-related policies and initiatives, as well as the risks and opportunities that they could entail.