> Sustainability
> Green transition drivers
Carbon footprint
Carbon footprint
In 2010, we implemented a Greenhouse Gas measurement protocol for construction designed to quantify these emissions and eventually reduce them. This led to the adaptation of our computer applications to improve sample-taking, quantification and statistical processing of the Greenhouse Gas emissions generated by our construction activities. As a result, our company was the runner up in the category of “Management for sustainable development” in the 12th edition of the European Environmental Awards.
The measurement protocol, which meets the requirements of ISO 14064-1, also complies with ENCORD, the first standard to receive the “Built on GHG” logo by the GHG Protocol. FCC Construcción was indeed the first Spanish company to have its GHG emissions report verified by AENOR, having, in addition, since 2012 AENOR’s Environmental certificate “CO2 verified”.
As a result of this protocol implementation, GHG emission reports quantifying the GHG emissions generated at the construction sites and permanent locations of FCC Construcción are drafted, verified and published annually.
Clicking on the images, you can download the GHG emissions report from previous years:
For the third consecutive year, FCC Construction manages to verify the inventory of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for 100% of its activity, including the entire international scope, in accordance with the ISO 14064-1 Standard.
GHG Emissions emitted and verified
GHG Emissions by category (TCO2eq) GHG Emissions per country (TCO2eq)
* Under the heading "Rest" are issues from Bulgaria,
United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador, Mexico, Colombia,
Canada, United States, Australia and Qatar.