FCC Construcción has always been committed to informative transparency in order to facilitate an open dialogue with the groups that it works with. In this way, year after year the company has worked to respond to the expectations of all the stakeholders.
Bilateral communication channels have been established so that we are in permanent contact with our stakeholders in order to find out about their information needs and expectations.
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | |
Web visits | 256,200 | 298,356 | 305,255 |
Participation in external venues
FCC Construcción is represented on a multitude of external sustainability forums, some of which are mentioned below:
Technical Subcommittee for Standardization AEN / CTN 198
The Technical Subcommittee for Standardization AEN / CTN 198 "Sustainability in Construction" / SC2 "Civil Works", of which he holds the presidency as well as the vice-presidency of the committee.
Green Building Council Spain
Members of the Green Building Council Spain (GBCe) organization that constitutes the Spanish Council of the International Association "World Green Building Council".il".
Members of the Advisory Council BREEAM Spain.
National Committee of Large Dams
The Spanish National Committee for Large Dams, SPANCOLD, in which, in addition to participating in the Environment commission, leads the committee for engineering activities associated with the planning process for water resources projects.
The Quality and Environment and Innovation Committees of SEOPAN.
ISO/TC 59/SC 17 WG 5
FCC Construcción chairs the working group ISO / TC 59 / SC 17 WG 5 "Building construction / Sustainability in building and civil engineering works" "Sustainability in Civil engineering Works".
European Construction Technology Platform
It participates in the "European Construction Technology Platform" (ECTP).
CEN/TC 350/WG 6
FCC Construcción chairs the working group CEN / TC 350 / WG 6 "Sustainability of Construction Works / Civil engineering Works"
International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
He is a member of the "International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment" (iiSBE)
ISO/TC 207/SC 4 WG 4
He participates in the international Committee ISO / TC 207 "Environmental management" and within it, in SC4 / WG4 "Environmental performance evaluation / environmental quantitative information" and in SC1 "Environmental management systems".
Committe on Engineering Activities in the Plannig Process for Water Resources Projects
Represents Spain in the International Committee "Committee on Engineering Activities in the Planning Process for Water Resources Projects" of the International Commission of Large Dams (ICOLD).
It participates in the working groups "Environment and Sustainability" and "Corporate Social Responsibility" of ENCORD (European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development).
ISO/TC 59/SC 17
He is also a member of the International Committee ISO / TC 59 / SC 17 "Building construction / Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works", and within it, in the working groups WG1: "General Principles and Terminology", WG2: "Sustainability Indicators for Buildings ", WG3:" Environmental Declarations of Buildings Products "and WG4:" Framework for Assessment of Environmental Performance of Buildings and Constructed Assets "; as well as the European Technical Committee CEN / TC 350 "Sustainability of Construction Works", within which Taskgroup participates in the working groups: "Framework" WG 1: "Environmental performance of buildings", WG 2: "Building life cycle description" , WG 3: "Product level", WG 4: "Economic performance assessment of buildings" and WG 5: "Social performance assessment of buildings".