Research, Development and Innovation (RDI)
Using the most innovative technology for each project provides added value to our clients. This is an important differentiator factor in highly competitive international markets.
FCC Construction actively develops and promotes a number of European and domestic RDI initiatives and projects. It also engages in internal projects of its own, projects with other FCC Group companies and projects run in collaboration with other companies in the sector, including technology focused SMEs. These projects open the door to synergies with collaborative partners, resulting in a greater flow of knowledge. FCC Construcción also works regularly with universities and technology centers on these projects.
FCC Construction has designed an RDI policy to help focus and guide all its efforts in the innovation field. Its innovation policy is coordinated with the rest of the FCC Group’s business units through the Innovation Committee.
The RDI activity of FCC Construcción is specifically aimed at making the company a key driver in the building sector’s most important advances in technological innovation – particularly in terms of the materials, equipment and processes related with the company’s main activity. FCC Construcción participates actively in initiatives that are closely aligned with the company’s core interests. These incldue:
- Integration of information and communications technologies in infrastructure and smart buildings
- Marine construction
- Knowledge of terrain
- New materials and new developments for existing materials
- Smart transport systems and systems featuring multiple modes of transport
- Sustainable building
- Underground construction
- Occupational risk prevention
- Sustainability and the prevention of climate change
- Process management.
Right now the following lines of RDI are regarded as having top priority:
- Infrastructure for high-speed railways, goods railways and urban railways
- Refurbishment and energy efficiency
- Integration of multiples modes of sustainable transport systems
- Underground construction
- Marine construction
- Environmental optimization of the useful life cycle
- Renewable energy.
RDI activities are expressly envisioned in the Management and Sustainability System, in procedure PR/FCC-730.
The company earned RDI Management System Certification as meeting RDI Management System Requirements under UNE 166002:2014. It received its certification from AENOR, the Spanish standardisation and certification association, on 31 August 2007.
FCC Construcción has signed a cooperation agreement with ADIF, the administrative agency for Spain’s railway infrastructure, to engage in research, technological development and innovation activities, and FCC CO has set up an office at ADIF’s Railway Technology Centre in the Andalucía Technology Park in Málaga.