Attraction and retention of talent
Welcome to the construction area of FCC, reference international construction company.
In the construction area of FCC, we work in an international, dynamic and challenging environment, in which initiative and excellence are recognized.
We surround ourselves with talented people who are committed to making a difference.
We are a company in continuous international expansion, with a presence in 19 countries. Apart from Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Romania, Egypt, the United States, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Panama, Qatar and Saudi Arabia stand out.
Diversity and internationalization are key points, for that reason and to contribute to a solid relationship between company and employee, we value the generation of commitment, the adaptation to change and motivation.
Presence in Social Networks
The construction area of the FCC Group has profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.
We are in these communication channels because we understand that social networks represent, today, the best vehicle for transmitting information so that employees, customers and friends can be aware of the daily life of the construction area of the FCC Group.
LinkedIn. Our presence in this professional network is very active. On our company page, we publish news, our projects and vacancies. We have more than 13,120 followers. We want you to be one of them. Follow us!
Twitter. Follow us in Twitter to know what's going on.
Instagram. We have more than 2,500 followers.
Canal Youtube. We have received more than 3,400,000 views and with more than 22,100 followers.
Through these channels we intend to keep all our followers informed of the news that may arise about new awards, major contracts, progress of works, research projects, etc., as well as commenting on news from the different sectors related to the construction area of the FCC Group, share experiences and knowledge with other professionals.
what's going onKnow us
From Human Resources and aligned with the general strategy of the company, we work to promote the development of people with potential.
Our goal is to attract, manage, motivate and promote the development of the best professionals in a highly participative company, to contribute to the achievement of the organization's objectives.
The pillars on which our philosophy is based are the passion for success and the confidence to make things happen.
We care about making a difference and promoting our vocation to be international.
Our vision ...
Being the leading company of national and international reference in infraestructure and construction, contributing value to the Company and guaranteeing a correct management of the human potential in the organization.
ejemploOur mission ...
Develop an efficient management in the attraction and retention of talent within a context of diversity and internationalization to contribute to the achievement of the objectives, according to the needs of the organization.
ejemploOur objectives ...
- Retain and attract professionals trained and committed to the mission and vision of FCC Construccion.
- Integrate people in the organization to be linked to the business strategy, with the aim of mobilizing skills and talent towards the achievement of objectives.
- Encourage internal mobility by maintaining organizational flexibility, enabling professional and versatile profiles, as well as offering employee development opportunities.
We promote collective intelligence
We promote the growth of our professionals to enhance the talent that makes FCC Construccion, a reference company in competitive and globalized environments.
In addition, within the commitment to quality employment, we have implemented our Program of Internationalization of Young Talents, whose purpose is to facilitate the first work experience for young people with development potential, and detect future leaders in the organization.
We work with our Scholars Program in which we promote immersion in the labor world, facilitating the transition between educational entities and the labor market
We have signed agreements with universities and business schools worldwide.
We are committed to diversity, that's why we have our Development Program aimed at pre-managerial women, with high potential to increase the presence of women in management positions and in management committees.
We renewed our Agreement with Foundation ONCE (FSC Inserta) reinforcing the company's integral commitment to disability and diversity. Go to www.enpositivofcc.es
We bet on internal mobility
For the construction area of the FCC Group, the development of people is one of our main objectives. We favor your internal mobility, within one or between your different lines of business or between areas:
- Internal mobility web that allows you to consult job offers by business and country
This initiative has gained prominence in recent years in the company, where this group prevails to cover vacancies.
Through this project it is possible to maintain the organizational flexibility of the construction area of the FCC Group, enabling professional and multidisciplinary profiles, offering development opportunities to employees and facilitating internal rotation.