The construction area of the FCC Group increases its income by 43.5% compared to fiscal year 2022

The FCC Group's construction area has increased its income by 43.5%, reaching 2,823.1 million euros. The performance of the area during fiscal year 2023 has been positive, justified by the good pace of execution in ongoing projects along with the new contracts obtained mainly in America and various European countries.
By geographical area, in Spain the turnover increased by 27.4% to 1,108.1 million euros, due to the faster pace of progress of projects in execution, mainly in the public sphere. In America, revenue grew significantly by 88.6% to 819.3 million euros, due to the greater contribution of the Mayan Train project in Mexico, close to completion, and the start of railway works in Toronto (Canada). ) and the USA. Similarly, in Europe and other markets, turnover grew by 38.9% compared to the previous year and reached 695.1 million euros, mainly due to the good pace of progress on the A9 Highway in Holland and A-465 in Wales (United Kingdom), which more than compensate for the completion of other works. The Middle East and Australia increased their turnover to 200.6 million euros, 23.8% more than in the previous year, mainly due to the greater contribution in the works of the Neom and Riyadh Metro project, close to completion , in Saudi Arabia.
The construction area of the FCC Group contributed 11.1% of the Group's total EBITDA in 2023. The gross operating result increased by 37.9% to 169.4 million euros compared to 122.8 million euros in 2022 In this way, the operating margin in the 2023 period has reached 6%, a level similar to that achieved in the previous year. For its part, the net operating result recorded was 118.4 million euros, 32.4% higher than in 2022.
The income portfolio at the end of the year was reduced by 2.4%, to 6,425.9 million euros. Spain grows by a notable 31.3% and reaches 2,386.1 million euros due to the awarding of new works, among which the construction of the new headquarters of the ONCE in Madrid or the Burial of the R-2 as it passes through Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona). The international scope concentrated a reduction of 15.3%, after the strong accumulated increase in contracting in the previous year and where the contracting for the modernization of a set of bridges in Pennsylvania (USA) stands out.
By type of activity, civil works maintains its dominance, with 79.6% of the total, which is concentrated in large public contracts in certain selective markets in Europe, America and the Middle East.
Milestones for fiscal year 2023
FCC Industrial, a specialized subsidiary of the Group's construction head, has obtained, in consortium with other companies, the provisional award of the contract for the construction of a regasification terminal in Germany for Hanseatic Energy Hub, with a revenue portfolio of 270 million of euros and will be the second LNG regasification plant in Germany. Likewise, FCC Industrial has also been awarded a contract to build solar facilities in Guillena (Spain), with a total capacity of 263 MW and an investment of 140 million euros.
In the last quarter of the year, it is worth noting that the consortium led by FCC Construcción has been chosen as the preferred bid to carry out the works on the new Porto metro line, called Rubi (H), for more than 379 million euros. The new line will add 6.3 kilometers to the city's metro network. Furthermore, in Spain, the consortium in which FCC Construcción participates has been awarded the works for the undergrounding of line R2 in Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) and the construction of the new station in this municipality, for an amount attributable to FCC Construcción 148.9 million euros.