> Sustainability
> Green transition drivers
Good practices
The New Seville Harbour Lock
Description of the Environmental Measure
Detected Problem:
Ecologist groups have submitted complaints concerning the environmental impact of the construction of the lock.
Implemented Solutions:
To respond to the ecologist groups, a document has been drawn up for the EU explaining the measures planned to minimise the environmental impact. Since the job is a project of public interest, visits are being organised for journalists, to keep society abreast of the latest progress and news about the project. The environmental impact measures taken to honour the document mentioned above are the preparation of four dumping facilities to hold the dredging water together with the dredged matter, so it can be decanted before it is released into the river; the creation and marking of nesting, breeding and reproduction areas for bird life, plus tracking and transportation to the Threatened Species Recovery Centre when necessary; the preservation of more than 150,000 salt cedars, which were originally to have been chopped down but instead have been kept as an oasis inside the site; the transplanting of willows, poplars and mulberry trees; and the recovery of a number of items of historical and cultural value.
A great effort was made to ensure that each activity interferes as little as possible with the environment. The results have proved satisfactory in the light of every check that has been run, whether on sediments, water quality, air quality or biodiversity friendliness. It is a significant fact that the bird life in the area has not only remained, but even increased. In addition, no further complaints or any more demands related with the environment have been received concerning this project.