> Sustainability
> Committed to society
Positive impact on the community
FCC contributes to the construction of the Panama Canal Expansion
Description of social and environmental action.
Needs detected:
PAC-4 is a project that consisted of the excavation of part of the new access channel to the Panama Canal on the Pacific side, to make way for ships called Post Panamax. This project joined the new locks that are being built on the Pacific side with the so-called Culebra Cut located in the vicinity of the Centennial Bridge, the narrowest strip of the waterway located a few kilometers from the entrance to the Canal.
In this context, FCC identifies the following needs:
- Preserve the integrity of the flora and fauna of the affected environment.
- To develop a responsible exploitation of the land, anticipating the appearance of remains of great cultural and historical value contained in the possible deposits resulting from the earth movement.
Solutions adopted:
- The Panama Canal Expansion work is carried out in a wooded area, which required rigorous environmental measures such as the relocation of animals and reforestation work.
- A fauna rescue plan was implemented, in which every time an intervention was made in a forest or wooded area, the first thing that was done was the rescue of the animals, to relocate them to the National Parks.
- A felling program was carried out in a responsible way, since of each tree that is cut, the ACP as promoter of the work, is obliged to plant another 10 anywhere in the national geography.
- As it is a work located in areas where work for the construction of the Panama Canal was carried out more than a hundred years ago, at the time of the excavations, items considered to be of very high historical value were found. When these cases occurred, the National Institute of Culture (INAC) was contacted to make their respective records.
The results were optimal.