FCC Construcción signs the Fourth Equality Plan

FCC Construcción has signed the IV Equality Plan. The company, a pioneer in equality and diversity in the sector, has been developing actions to raise awareness of the individual rights of employees, protecting and strengthening them. FCC Construcción has a long and fruitful history of negotiation, strengthened by the social dialogue established in the company.
The IV Equality Plan signed constitutes an ordered set of measures that, really and effectively, will allow us to continue to achieve the objectives of equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in the global sphere for which it has been designed, and to eliminate any hint of discrimination for reasons of sex.
The Plan itself contemplates and develops a series of agreed measures and actions that promote and favour an egalitarian work environment as well as the creation of inclusive business models that reward equality and the plurality of professionals, carrying out actions and programmes to promote equality and integration in the workplace, which not only contribute to the well-being of people, but also make aspects such as creativity and productivity more evident within the organization.
For all this, with the measures established in the plan, the guarantee of equal treatment, the defense and effective application of the principle of equality between women and men, providing the same opportunities for entry and professional development at all levels, with procedures and policies that do not discriminate on grounds of sex in terms of selection, recruitment, promotion, training and remuneration; the balanced distribution of women and men in the different professional positions and categories will be improved, mainly in those professional groups and functions in which women are under-represented.
The aim is to promote and improve women's access to positions of responsibility, helping to reduce inequalities and imbalances; training actions will be carried out to facilitate the development of professional skills and competencies equally, without distinctions between women and men. The gender perspective will be incorporated into occupational risk prevention policy, taking into account the specific risks and illnesses (including psychosocial) of each sex. The reconciliation of work, family and personal life of workers and co-responsibility in care will be encouraged and promoted. Non-discrimination will be guaranteed for people enjoying work-life balance rights in the company, in relation to selection, promotion, training and remuneration conditions. The prevention of and response to possible complaints of sexual harassment or harassment based on sex will be encouraged in accordance with the protocol in force for such cases; awareness will be raised and support will be given to the integration and labour protection of female workers who are victims of gender-based violence; a corporate culture committed to equality will be disseminated, involving the entire organization: company management, middle management and the entire workforce; equal pay for work of equal value will be guaranteed. Finally, inclusive, non-sexist, diverse and non-discriminatory images and language will be used in documents and all internal and external communications.
FCC Construcción is a company committed to equality and diversity and has pioneered inclusive and egalitarian policies and activities in the sector.