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FCC Construcción publishes its Sustainability Report 2023-2024


FCC Construcción publishes its Sustainability Report 2023-2024

FCC Construcción publishes its Sustainability Report 2023-2024

FCC Construcción, once again, as part of its commitment to sustainability, has published its Sustainability Report for the years 2023-2024. In an exercise of transparency towards its stakeholders, it shows the organisation's behaviour and performance in terms of corporate social responsibility, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals included in the 2030 Agenda.

The Report, verified by AENOR and prepared in accordance with the international standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), reflects the continuous effort made by the company to incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria in the normal development of its activity.

Likewise, as a novelty, the Sustainability Report has been articulated in accordance with the result obtained from the 2023 Dual Materiality Analysis, reflecting the new European requirements (European Sustainability Reporting Standards, ESRS) up to the point known in its draft. From this analysis, carried out based on the study of impacts, risks and opportunities, the most relevant and outstanding sustainability issues are obtained. Dual materiality is a crucial concept in the field of sustainability and corporate responsibility that arises from the need to consider both financial and non-financial aspects in decision-making.

Likewise, through 17 case studies carried out in various works and R&D&I projects, it reaffirms its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact and the integration of its ten principles within the organisation.

Some of the highlights in the area of sustainability:

  • FCC Construcción improves its environmental performance in 2023, reducing its waste generation and water consumption in the operations of the activity. In addition, thanks to the application of Good Practices, the emission of more than 5,000 tonnes of dust particles into the atmosphere was avoided.
  • The Zero Waste methodology was implemented for certification at Stage III of the Los Berrocales development in Madrid, at the Playa de Vías project in Valladolid and at the FCC Industrial office in Balmes.
  • FCC Matinsa, FCC Industrial, Megaplas and Prefabricados Delta calculate and verify, for the first year, their Carbon Footprint based on the ISO 14064-1:2018 Standard.
  • FCC Construcción offsets the Greenhouse Gas emissions associated with its water consumption, obtaining the ‘Calculo y Compenso’ seal from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
  • Publication of the Group's Sustainability Report in which the Construction area participates, in which the eligibility of the six objectives of the European Taxonomy is studied for the first time, and the alignment of the objectives of mitigating and adapting to climate change.
  • FCC Construcción creates its own tool to find out the economic impact of its activities in achieving the SDGs within the framework of sustainable finance.
  • FCC Construcción participates in the United Nations Climate Summit and Leaders Summit.
  • FCC Construcción has been awarded the Grupo Social ONCE Solidarity Award for its work with entities committed to disability.
  • Signing of the second Matinsa Equality Plan and the first for Prefabricados Delta. 
  • FCC Construcción has joined the Business Network for LGTBI Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) this year.
  • FCC Construcción wins the ‘0ACCIDENTES’ award for the best national R&D&I project, awarded by the Construction Technology Platform.
  • FCC Construcción wins the award for ‘Best corporate or audiovisual video’ and ‘Large companies’ at the 14th Corresponsables Awards for its performance in sustainability.


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