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FCC Construcción publishes its 2023 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report


FCC Construcción publishes its 2023 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

For yet another year, FCC Construcción proudly presents its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report (hereinafter GHG). This report details the calculation of GHG emissions for the year 2023, encompassing, for the fourth consecutive year, 100% of the activities conducted at FCC Construcción sites and fixed centres across Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Canada, the United States, Qatar, Australia and Saudi Arabia.

The Emissions Report has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of ISO 14064-1:2018, the standard used for the calculation and external verification of FCC Construcción's Carbon Footprint. This annual reporting exercise, initiated in 2010, represents the company's commitment to transparency and accountability by using a globally recognised standard with stringent criteria for quantifying emissions. The report has been externally verified by a third party (AENOR, in this case), which ensures its rigour and lends it greater credibility.

It is worth noting that FCC Construcción’s 2023 financial year experienced significant growth in the company’s activities, recovering and surpassing pre-pandemic productivity levels. This increased activity inevitably results in a larger Carbon Footprint.

Given the characteristics of the construction sector, particularly the variability of the works executed and the discontinuity of the activity, this increase in emissions should not be interpreted as a decline in the company’s environmental performance. Factors such as an increase in the volume of works awarded, the change in the predominant type of work or the specific phase of execution significantly influence the volume of emissions at any given time.

That is why, to reduce its emissions, FCC Construcción is implementing various reduction initiatives within the framework of its Climate Change Strategy 2023-2026, published that same year, with very ambitious short, medium, and long-term objectives aimed at achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

As a new initiative and part of the company’s Climate Change Strategy, FCC Construcción has obtained the ‘Compenso’ label in the “Registro de Huella de Carbono” of MITERD for the first time, recognizing the partial offsetting of its footprint for the 2022 financial year. This achievement, realized through the absorption project ‘BOSQUE CO2 GESTIÓN “LA CARBALLEDA I”’ in Molezuelas de la Carballeda, Zamora, will continue in the coming years. In the 2023 financial year, the company has already partially offset its emissions, specifically those derived from water consumption across all its projects.

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