FCC Construcción publishes its 2021-2022 Sustainability Report

FCC Construcción, as part of its commitment to sustainability and carrying out an exercise in transparency towards its stakeholders, has published its 2021-2022 Sustainability Report. This Report is the result of the company's ambitious objective to consolidate its position as a global benchmark company in terms of sustainability.
FCC Construcción is aware of the growing importance of incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria in the normal development of its activity, as well as being committed to innovation and complying with the highest sustainability standards. Through this Report, the organisation communicates, accounts for and highlights its performance in 2021 in this area.
The Report also reaffirms its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact and the integration of its ten principles within the organisation.
Highlights in terms of sustainability:
- FCC Construcción improved its environmental performance in 2021, reducing its consumption of materials, wastewater discharges and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
- Thanks to the application of Good Environmental Practices, 5 076 tonnes of particles were not emitted into the atmosphere in 2021.
- Despite the extension of the scope of the Carbon Footprint, the introduction of new materials and construction processes, and the replacement of the Emission Factors with those that consider the whole life cycle of the materials, FCC Construcción has reduced its Carbon Footprint.
- FCC Construcción once again meets its management objective set in 2017 of verifying the Greenhouse Gas emissions in 100% of its activity.
- Health and Safety continues to be a priority area of action for the company and, in 2021, a great effort was made through the implementation of the Safety Moments on site, as well as the preparation and dissemination of the Annual Report on Good Health and Safety Practices in the different work centres and the technological development of R&D&I projects related to Health and Safety (Safety 4D, among others).
- FCC Construcción is committed to training and raising the awareness of its employees to create inclusive, egalitarian and collaborative workspaces, where diversity is promoted, and talent and innovation are strengthened. An On-Boarding programme has also been incorporated for new recruits.
- In terms of R&D&I, MATINSA and FCC Industrial have achieved certification under the UNE 166002:2014 standard.
- It is also worth highlighting the company's growing effort to transfer its values throughout its value chain, with ESG criteria becoming increasingly important in the supplier approval processes.