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FCC Construcción once again achieved the "Calculo" certification from the Carbon Footprint, Compensation, and Carbon Dioxide Absorption Projects Registry


FCC Construcción once again achieved the "Calculo" certification from the Carbon Footprint, Compensation, and Carbon Dioxide Absorption Projects Registry

FCC Construcción consigue un año más el sello “CalcFCC Construcción once again achieved the  Calculo  certification from the Carbon Footprint, Compensation, and Carbon Dioxide Absorption Projects Registryulo” del Registro de huella de carbono, compensación y proyectos de absorción de dióxido de carbono

FCC Construcción has successfully renewed its registration in the Carbon Footprint, Compensation, and Carbon Dioxide Absorption Projects Registry of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO - its acronym in Spanish). This positive renewal has been consistent since 2012, aligning with the presentation of the Emission Reduction Plan 2021-2025 for the national territory. Consequently, FCC Construcción has been awarded the "Calculo" certification. The calculated exercise corresponds to the year 2022, during which, for the third consecutive year, 100% of the activity has been verified under the ISO 14064-1 standard, verifying greenhouse gas emissions in 22 countries.

It is noteworthy that, despite the increase in activity compared to 2021, the total emissions of Scopes 1, 2, and 3 in Spain have experienced a 12% reduction compared to the totals of 2021. This highlights FCC Construcción's commitment to steering the entire value chain towards the common goal of emission reduction.

Furthermore, in 2022, marked by the recovery of normal production curves in construction projects, surpassing pre-pandemic activity levels, the company has materialized its commitment to establish a roadmap towards carbon neutrality by 2050. This commitment is reflected in the publication of the Climate Change Strategy 2023-2026, aligning with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The strategy sets ambitious short-term (2026), medium-term (2030), and long-term (2050) objectives.

FCC Construcción was the first construction company in Spain to undergo this transparency exercise, participating since the establishment of the Registry, and subjecting its emissions to external verification by AENOR. Additionally, it was the first Spanish company and the first global construction company to join the United Nations Global Compact's Sustainable Finance Working Group, clearly demonstrating the company's commitment to collaborating with the United Nations on climate change goals.

Continuing this exercise of responsibility, in 2023, FCC Construcción also approved and published its Sustainability Strategy 2023-2026. This strategy outlines the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles that the company aims to pursue in the coming years, including the fight against climate change and the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. As a result, FCC Construcción positions itself as a leading sustainability company in the sector, driven by its ambition for continuous improvement, innovation promotion, and sustainable development across all its projects.

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