RRC starts the modernization works of the Beira Baixa Railway Line, between Covilhã and Guarda (Portugal)
RRC starts the modernization works of the Beira Baixa Railway Line, between Covilhã and Guarda (Portugal)

The construction area of the FCC Group, through its company RRC (Ramalho Rosa Cobetar), has started work on the modernization of the Beira Baixa Railway Line, between Covilhã and Guarda, in Portugal.
The project has an investment of 52 million euros and will be executed by the consortium RRC and Conduril Engenharia, within a period of 17 months. The contract will allow the reopening of railway operation of 46 kilometers of this branch, which had been closed to rail traffic since 2009.
The Covilhã-Guarda section crosses the municipalities of Covilhã, Belmonte and Guarda and includes the area between the Guarda Station and Covilhã Station. The project includes intervention in two stations: Guarda and Belmonte and four stopping places: Caria, Maçainhas, Benespera and Sabugal, with the objective of modernizing and rehabilitating them, which are currently in a state of advanced degradation.
The development of this project is fundamental for the improvement of the country's infrastructures, revitalizing the rail transport of the north of the country and linking and connecting with Spain.