FCC Construcción Chile advances in the Concepción Industrial Bridge project (Chile)

The Concepción Industrial Bridge project in Chile, executed by FCC Construcción Chile, has reached 65% progress. This project is the mobility solution for the city of Concepción and its connection with the different cities, which have seen an increase in the level of truck and vehicle traffic between Talcahuano, Hualpén, Concepción and San Pedro de la Paz; to nearby ports.
This project has been developed by the General Directorate of Concessions of the Ministry of Public Works and will enhance the routes associated with productive areas, such as the logistics corridor formed by Route 160 to the south, the passage through Gran Concepción including access to the Ports of San Vicente and Talcahuano, and its continuation along the Interport Route, allowing connection with the Northern Access to Concepción.
The project executed by FCC Construcción Chile consists of the development of a newly built 6.5-kilometer-long highway that will connect Route 160 in San Pedro de la Paz at the Los Batros Bridge with Avenida Costanera in Hualpén.
To date, work has begun on the link with Costanera Avenue, which is one of the two large links of the new highway. This link has begun with the execution of the Tem Wall on the link of the “current Avenida Costanera”, after putting into operation Phase 1 of the traffic detours. With the future implementation and start-up of Phases 2 and 3 of the traffic detours, the highway link in its most urban sector with Costanera Avenue in Hualpén can be completed.
In addition, the ENAP upper structure has been built, which will allow vehicles traveling from San Pedro de la Paz to continue in the direction of the center of Concepción. It is made up of 5 spans, and in each of them three prefabricated beams of variable length between 24 and 36 meters will be installed.
Regarding the industrial board, progress of 48% has been achieved. This is developed on the bed of the Biobío River and is made up of 56 spans, each approximately 45 meters long, of which beams have been installed in 29. For the construction of the bridge, a Peninsula was built with material from the own riverbed, which consists of a fill on the bottom of the river that allows access and construction of the bridge.
Finally, work on the link with Route 160 has begun.
The Puente Industrial de Concepción project is a socially, environmentally and economically responsible and pioneering project for the country.