The project of socio-labor insertion of the work “extension and reform of the hospital of Soria”, executed by FCC Construcción, selected as an example of good practices by the European Commission
The project of socio-labor insertion of the work “extension and reform of the hospital of Soria”, executed by FCC Construcción, selected as an example of good practices by the European Commission

The program of socio-labor insertion implemented in the work seeks the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion within the labor market.
The project includes the assignment of a tutor within the hospital construction project, which welcomes, helps and supervises the work of the people benefited by the program. In addition there will be:
- Advice and supervision by the management of social services
- Training of the people under the program in occupational health and safety
- Design and programming of an activity calendar
- The main beneficiaries of the program are: long-term unemployed, inmates of prisons that have worked in the construction sector, victims of gender violence, people with disabilities, all of them residing in Castilla y León.
Extension and reform of the hospital of Soria
The project of extension and reform of the hospital of Soria is divided into a first stage in which after a previous preparation activities, 16,500 square meters of new plant are executed for the expansion of the Hospital where the rehabilitation, kitchen, teaching services will be located , mental health, external consultations, management, archives and laboratories.
A second stage in which the integral reform of 17,500 square meters is carried out, for the development of a new access and reform of the hospitalization blocks A2, B2 and C, as well as the J, K and L blocks, currently occupied by others units.