All the FCC Group areas receive the “COVID-19 Stars” award from FESBAL for their involvement and commitment to solidarity during the health crisis
All the FCC Group areas receive the “COVID-19 Stars” award from FESBAL for their involvement and commitment to solidarity during the health crisis

All the areas of the FCC Group have been awarded the “COVID-19 Stars” distinction, a thanks granted by the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) in recognition of their solidarity and support for initiatives such as the food solidarity campaign «No home without food ”, launched among its employees by the” la Caixa ”Foundation and CaixaBank, in favor of food banks, to help vulnerable families whose situation has been aggravated by the outbreak of the coronavirus.
Social commitment has always been in FCC's DNA, and from this social and business responsibility, the company has shown its support for the work of this entity to continue supporting the people who need it most, especially those seriously affected by the devastating effects of the health crisis, through its 54 food banks.
The "Stars Award" recognitions are born as a thank you to the media and collaborating companies for their support to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks and its 54 associated Food Banks. The first edition of these "Star Awards" was in 2019, in recognition of the support provided in the main campaign that the Food Banks have during the year, "The Great Food Collection." The objective of this second edition is to recognize the special collaboration during 2020 in the face of the health, economic and social crisis derived from COVID-19.