> Sustainability
> Green transition drivers
Good practices
Elblag-Podrodzi Road
Description of the Environmental Measure
Problem detected:
The renewal of 24.3 km of roadway of a highway located in northern Poland, in the Elblag and Tol regions, meant that the site was located in protected natural areas.
Within a 100-metre strip from the highway, habitats of hermit beetles (Osmoderma ermita), were identified. This is a rare and protected species. Moreover, this species in included in the Nature Network 2000 and is on the Red List of animals in Poland, where it is classified as 'at risk'. The presence of this animal species in an area so close to the site called for the implementation of preventive and protective measures to prevent possible impacts on the creature and its habitat.
Solutions adopted:
The following measures were adopted:
- Before felling trees likely to contain larvae inside its trunk, the entomologist extracted them and they were deposited in a kind of wooden barrel with mineral wool and two litres of rotten wood mulch inside. The larvae spent the winter in these containers, which helped them to survive, because if the larvae had remained in the trees, they would have been exposed to inclement weather and rodents.
- Throughout the winter, shelters for the transfer of the larvae to their natural habitat in spring were created. To achieve this, the tree trunks that had been cut after removal of the larvae were cleaned and cured with natural materials, in the unlikely event of the trunk having been damaged in the extraction process. The 27 tree trunks that were treated in this manner were lashed together 3 x 3 to form 9 dens. The trunks were then buried at a depth of one metre and at the base stones, soil, arid material, plant wool and some 20 litres of wood mulch were laid. Also, a small roof was fitted to the upper part of the dens and a protection against rodents in the lower section.
All of these measures implemented have succeeded in protecting hermit beetle specimens present in the habitats in the vicinity of the site and also promote their development. The high degree of awareness amongst the team engaged in the work has been a key factor in achieving these successful results.