> Sustainability
> Committed to society
Positive impact on the community
Nuevo Necaxa-Tihuatlán Highway
Description of social and environmental action.
Needs detected:
The Nuevo Necaxa - Tihuatlán highway, which is part of the modernization strategy of the 14 trunk highway corridors in Mexico, is built within an environmental protection framework and with modern specifications that make it safe, efficient and economical.
During the execution of the works, support has been given to the communities near the Nuevo-Necaxa-Tihuatlán highway, a work that FCC Construcción is developing in Mexico and that is part of the Mexico DF - Tuxpán corridor.
Solutions adopted:
The Nuevo Necaxa highway has a Social Responsibility program that helps communities close to the project: San Agustín, Plan de Ayala, Teteloloya, La Esperanza, Tepapatlaxco, San Pedro Petlacotla, Nueva Tenancingo, Tacubaya and in the municipality of Xicotepec de Juarez.
- Construction of access roads and improvement of main streets
- Construction of wells to supply drinking water and elevated tanks with a pumping system
- To improve communication, sound equipment has been delivered, as well as signs for evacuation routes and meeting points.
- Construction of shelters in areas devastated by the passage of hurricanes
- Literacy Program: Out of the total personnel hired in the project there is an important sector of local labor, where a lower educational level has been detected, which is why an approach has been made with the State Institute for Adult Education ( IEEA) and with the National Council for Education for Life and Work (CONEVyT), to establish a collaboration agreement to increase the productivity and competitiveness of their workers by providing them with basic education, support them in completing secondary education, promote and facilitate enrollment in technical courses or diplomas.
To follow up on literacy activities, a recruitment campaign was carried out with workers to find out their educational level.
- The Governor of the State of Puebla, Mario Marín Torres, granted in recognition as a company committed to the education of its workers issued by CONEVyT, for the education activities for adults carried out in the construction of the Nuevo Necaxa Tihuatlán Highway.
- Reactivation of the economic and tourist development of the area.
- Reforestation of 1,101 hectares.